Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)

Understanding the Basics

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) are caused by bacteria or viruses usually transmitted by sexual activity with an infected person. With the exception of viral infections, i.e. Genital Herpes, Genital Warts, Hepatitis, and HIV infection (AIDS), most STDs can be cured.

The key to treatment is the word PROMPT, since many STDs, if not immediately treated, can go on to cause serious medical problems.

How will you know if you have an STD?

You may notice the following signs or symptoms:

* For a Male

• discharge from the penis

• burning on urination

• sore(s) on or around the penis or anus

* For a Female

• unusual vaginal discharge

• intense itching

• stomach cramps, but not related to menstrual cycle

• sore(s) on or around the vagina or anus

While there may be danger signs or symptoms, you can be infected without knowing it. If someone, such as your sex partner or local Health Department tells you that you have been exposed to an STD, it is very important that you get tested and treated immediately!

How you can protect yourself from STDs, including HIV:

Abstinence is the only sure way to avoid getting an STD.

Having a monogamous relationship. Sex is considered safe if both you and your partner: are not infected, have never shot drugs, and have never had sex with anyone else.

If you're not in a monogamous relationship, be sure to: always use latex condoms, limit the number of partners you have, and have regular exams.

What are STDs?

STDs are diseases that are usually passed through sexual contact with an infected partner. STDs include many diseases, such as AIDS, chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital herpes, genital warts, and syphilis. STDs are widespread; more than 12 million people in the US are infected each year.

Why should I learn about STDs?

STDs are a danger to everyone who has sex, even ONCE. Unborn children are at a risk, too!

If left untreated, STDs can have serious side effects, including:

• sterility (being unable to have a child)

• brain damage

• heart disease

• birth defects

• low birth rate

• premature Birth

• increased risk for some types of cancer

• death

How are STDs spread?

STDs are spread through contact with:

• infected body fluids, such as blood, vaginal secretions, or semen

• infected skin or mucous membranes - for example, sores in the mouth

Activities that expose you to infected body fluids or skin include:

• vaginal, anal, or oral sex WITHOUT proper use of a latex condom or other barrier methods. Anal sex is especially risky because it often causes bleeding.

• sharing needles or syringes for drug use, ear piercing, tattooing, etc.

• Having an STD may increase your risk of getting HIV. STDs can break down the body's most important defense - the skin and mucous membranes, causing sores and thus provide a way for HIV to enter the body.

Most activities don't spread STDs!

You cannot get an STD from everyday, nonsexual activities, such as:

• giving blood

• sitting next to an infected person

• sitting on toilet seats

• sharing eating utensils

• touching doorknobs

• using swimming pools

How can you avoid STDs?

There are safe alternatives to vaginal, anal, or oral sex. For example:

• Don't have sex. Abstinence is the only sure way to avoid getting an STD.

• Masturbation. Masturbation with your partner (on unbroken skin), or alone,can provide sexual pleasure safely.

• Massage. Caressing and stroking can express affection and give pleasure.

• Kissing. This can be a safe way to be physically close, as long as both partners are free of cuts and sores in the mouth.

• Fantasy. The brain is one of the most powerful sex organs. Use your imagination for satisfying sexual pleasure.

If you have sex, have sex only with one partner who:

• has no STD (monogamy)

• has sex with you only (monogamy)

If you are not in a monogamous relationship, be sure to:

• Use barrier methods like latex condoms. Latex condoms are your best protection from STDs during intercourse. But remember, even condoms are not 100% effective.

• Limit the number of partners you have. The more partners you have, the greater the risk of being exposed to an STD. Remember, you can't tell if someone has an STD just by looking at them.

• Have regular physical exams. Ask you physician to test for STDs if you think you've been exposed. Regular tests help find STDs early, when treatment can be most effective.

Condoms help protect both partners from STDs and unwanted pregnancy.

To use a condom properly, you'll need:

• A latex condom ("rubber"). The HIV virus and other STDs may pass through "natural" or "skin" condoms.

• A water-based lubricant. This helps keep the condom from breaking. Never use products that contain oil or fat, like petroleum jelly or cooking oil. These products weaken latex and may cause the condom to break.

• A new condom. Use one every time you have sex, even oral or anal. Discard any "new" condom that's damaged, sticky, or brittle.

To use condoms correctly:

• Put the condom on BEFORE any sexual contact.

• Leave a 1/2 inch space at the tip to collect semen. Cover the penis completely.

• Smooth out any air bubbles to reduce stress on the condom, and to increase feeling. Apply spermicide to the outside of the condom.

• Check the condom during sex to make sure it's unbroken and still on properly.

• Withdraw slowly right after climax. Hold the condom by it's base so it doesn't slip off. Dispose of properly.

To help further reduce the risk of contracting an STD:

• Don't inject drugs. Sharing needles or syringes can expose you to infected blood. Not injecting drugs is an essential part of protecting yourself from STDs.

• Avoid alcohol and other drugs. They can make you more likely to take chances when having sex.

• Don't douche. You may force germs farther into the vagina or alter the natural balance of vaginal fluids.

The symptoms of STDs may include:

• sores or blisters on or around the sex organs or mouth

• pain or burning during urination

• discharge from the penis or vagina that smells or looks unusual

• itching, swelling, or pain in or around the sex organs

Get tested right away if you think you have any symptoms, or think you've been exposed to an STD (even if have no symptoms, talk about your STD testing needs with your doctor during your health care visits). Remember, many STDs don't have any symptoms, especially in women.

Remember: If you have an STD, seek proper medical care immediately! Home remedies can make an accurate diagnosis difficult!

If you have an STD, be sure to:

• Talk to all sex partner(s) who may have been exposed. Encourage them to get tested. Both partners need to be treated to avoid reinfection.

• Avoid sexual intercourse until your physician says it's okay to resume so you don't get reinfected, or spread the disease to others.

• Follow your treatment plan and finish all medications, even if you feel well. Follow up exams can make sure treatment was effective.

• Get counseling if you're worried or upset about having an STD. Your physician or STD clinic can recommend a counselor.

What other types of birth control help protect against STDs?

Only latex condoms are considered effective protection against STDs. Birth control pills, diaphragms, sponges, and other contraceptives do not prevent STDs.

A lot of men carry condoms in their wallets. Is this a good idea?

No. Exposure to body heat, sunlight, and extreme cold can all damage condoms and make them more likely to break.

Once I've had an STD, can I get it again?

Yes. Sex without a condom can result in getting an STD, no matter what STD you've already had.

Be Informed About AIDS

What is AIDS?

AIDS (acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome) is a serious illness. The virus that causes AIDS attacks the immune system, the body's natural defense against disease. Damage to the immune system leaves the body vulnerable to secondary illnesses that can be fatal. There is still no known cure for AIDS, but effective treatments are now available. Research continues in the hope of developing better treatments and a vaccine.

Why should I learn about AIDS?

You should learn about AIDS because you may be at risk for it or you may be HIV positive, or your job may involve helping people who have AIDS. Learning about AIDS can help you understand the facts and reject the myths about the illness. Knowing about AIDS will also help you respond without fear to people who require your help.

What causes AIDS?

AIDS is caused by a virus called HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). A healthy immune system includes special kinds of white bloods cells called B cells and T cells, and depends on a balance of certain kinds of T cells. "Helper" T cells assist B cells in fighting disease. "Suppressor" T cells call off the attack when the invading disease has been stopped. HIV apparently destroys the helper cells without affecting suppressor cells proportionately. When suppressor cells outnumber helper cells, the immune system fails.

What are the effects of HIV on the body?

HIV may be in the body for many years before there are any signs of illness. As HIV weakens the immune system, signs and symptoms may appear. People may have:

* swollen lymph glands in the neck, underarm, and groin area

* recurrent fever, including "night sweats"

* rapid weight loss for no apparent reason

* constant fatigue

* diarrhea and decreased appetite

* white spots or unusual blemishes in the mouth

* other illnesses

People infected with HIV can't fight off a number of serious illnesses without medical treatment. One common illness of this type is Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP), usually a rare lung infection. Symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath.

Scientific research also shows that HIV can damage the brain and spinal cord. Signs of damage may include memory loss, indifference, inability to make decisions, partial paralysis, loss of coordination, and other problems in controlling the body.

How is HIV transmitted?

HIV is mainly spread:

* unprotected sexual contact with an HIV-infected person

* by sharing a needle to inject drugs with an HIV-infected person

* from HIV-infected mothers to their infants before, during, and after birth (breast feeding)

HIV may also be spread through blood products. This is very unlikely now because:

* all donors are carefully screened

* all donors' blood and blood products are tested before being used

Current research shows that HIV is NOT spread by casual contact. For example, it is not spread by nonsexual, everyday contact, such as:

* touching, hugging, and shaking hands

* breathing and coughing

* using toilets, telephones, drinking fountains, etc.

Anyone can get infected with HIV.

So far, most cases have occurred among:

* homosexual and bisexual men who contracted HIV through sexual activity with an infected person

* heterosexuals who contracted HIV from sexual activity with an infected person

* injection drug users who contracted HIV by sharing needles and drug "works" to inject drugs

* hemophiliacs who, years ago, contracted HIV through the use of donated blood and blood products

* children who contracted HIV from an infected mother

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

The service is provided as general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor.

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