Thursday, July 5, 2007

Part 7: What the Lip line say in our face -

Part 7:

Lip Line:

Hi friends,

Today we are going to learn the characteristic traits, which we can analyze through the lip lines.

Lip line in face reading is the imaginary horizontal line we can see drawn between the two lips when they are closed and touching each other.

The Lip line is further classified into 3 types

i) Straight with ends turned downwards.
ii) Straight with ends turned upwards.
iii) Straight lip line.

1) Straight with ends turned downwards

• These people have a pessimistic attitude.
• Has the ability to discover the problems.

2) Straight with ends turned upwards

• These people have an optimistic attitude.
• Their confidence level is high compared to others.
• Won’t care much about the problems.

3) Straight lip line

• These people have a balanced approach in all the things.

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