Friday, June 22, 2007

Part 4 - Secret behind the distance between eyes in our face -

Part 4:

Distance between the two eyes

Hi friends,

Today we are going to learn the characteristic traits, which we can analyze through the distance between two eyes.

Similar to the eye to eyebrow distance, the distance between two eyes is also classified into two

                 i) Long Distance

                ii) Short Distance

1) Long Distance

                • People with Long distance between their eyes are more
                  tolerant, they can handle external influences without much

                • Usually these people are relaxed in nature.

                • They look for big things.

                • These people have trouble in concentrating for long time.

                • Most of the managers will have big eye distance.

2) Short Distance

               • People with short eye distance are emotionally sensitive.

               • These people get irritated for small things too.

                  eg:- Traffic jams, Teasing, etc

               • Look for small things in all the activities.

               • These people are more focused.

NOTE: The distance between the eyes can be identified by noticing the horizontal distance between the eyes.

             If there is enough space to fix a third eye in between, we can take it Long distance, if not we can take as Short distance.

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